˟Hi there, I’m Ina from Berlin. Passionate Traveller. Ocean Lover. I originally created slendersunfish to keep friends & family informed about my whereabouts. Particularly during my time in Perú- which also remains the only time when I actually wrote about my ‘adventures’ [not just showing pictures]. I have no photographic or journalistic background, but never the less I’ve seen some really amazing scenes & places that I’d love to share [from a travellers point of view- not a photographers].˟



Auf Reisen zu mir unbekannten Orten & Kulturen beeindruckt mich am meisten die Intensität der Empfindungen. Der Moment, in dem ich mich irgendwo in der Fremde wieder finde, die genau dann nicht mehr fremd ist- sondern ein Gesicht, einen Geruch und Klang bekommt. Abseits des Alltags-Automatismus, des täglichen Funktionierens, überkommt mich dann dieser erfüllende innere Frieden, der mich antreibt.


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Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

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all photographs and content are produced and owned by ina weidmann. ©2008-2016. all rights reserved. no photographs or content may be used elsewhere without expressed written permission from the owner. if you have any questions or wish to use any of the photographs within this website, feel free to contact me.